Access our database of 17,000+ European tech companies

Seedtable Intel is a database of 17,000+ active European tech companies with verified contact information. We combine proprietary sourcing, human verification and a scoring algorithm to help you find fast-growing technology companies to partner with.

Trusted by 500+ world-class orgs
Displaying 10 out of 17,248 companies
company score last funding employees industries to outsource location company email founder founder email investors

Dealership management platform for automotive professionals.

$107M · Series D 11 to 50 Mobility & Transportation Hiring, Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Finance Consulting, SEO Amsterdam, Netherlands •••••• •••••••• •••••• Kartesia, CVI Dom Maklerski Sp. Z O.O.
Build A Rocket Boy

Community gaming platform.

$110M · Series D 101 to 250 Gaming Cybersecurity, SEO, Software Engineering, Strategy Consulting London, UK •••••• •••••••• •••••• Galaxy Interactive, RedBird Capital Partners, NetEase

Digital insurance platform.

$73M · Series B 1 to 10 Insuretech Management Consulting, Strategy Consulting, Branding London, UK •••••• •••••••• •••••• A16Z, Battery Ventures, Highland Europe

SME banking platform.

$53M · Series B 101 to 250 Fintech, Payments Software Engineering, Strategy Consulting, Finance Consulting Amsterdam, Netherlands •••••• •••••••• •••••• General Catalyst, Northzone, Target Global

Payments processing platform for small businesses.

$306M · Series D 1001 to 5000 Fintech, Payments Branding, Finance Consulting, Management Consulting London, UK •••••• •••••••• •••••• BBVA Ventures, Groupon, American Express Ventures

Travel booking solutions for travel suppliers.

$570M · Series D 1001 to 5001 Travel Tech Hiring, Sales, Finance Consulting, Branding London, UK •••••• •••••••• •••••• Siris Capital Group, Elliott Investment Management, Davidson Kempner

Fast-charging network for electric vehicles.

$332M · Series B 101 to 250 Mobility & Transportation, Energy & Nuclear Management Consulting, Strategy Consulting, Finance Consulting, SEO Paris, France •••••• •••••••• •••••• Rive Private Investment, PGGM, Bpifrance

Wholesale marketplace for branded products.

$87M · Series B 51 to 100 Ecommerce, Supply Chain & Logistics Management Consulting, Branding, SEO London, UK •••••• •••••••• •••••• Bessemer Venture Partners, Local Globe, Accel

AI-powered image editing platform.

$43M · Series B 1 to 10 AI, Art Marketing, Software Engineering, Design, Finance Consulting Paris, France •••••• •••••••• •••••• Balderton Capital, Kima Ventures, Aglaé Ventures

AI-powered embedded finance platform for SMEs.

$112M · Debt Financing 101 to 250 Fintech, Payments Marketing, Cybersecurity, Branding, Design, Hiring London, UK •••••• •••••••• •••••• FTV Capital, Blenheim Chalcot, British Business Investments

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Scoring algorithm

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Our proprietary scoring algorithm helps you truly understand which companies have momentum and which ones just look good on the surface.

Scoring algorithm

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Don't waste your time talking to companies that will never work with you. Use data points like Industry, Location, and Likely to outsource.

How our data is used

Our rich, in-depth data helps companies, service providers and funds make informed decisions and close deals with insights you can’t find anywhere else.

B2B Tech Startups and Sales Teams

Acquire your next customer from our database.

Recruitment & Executive Search

Discover fast-growing startups who need to scale headcount aggressively.

Agencies, Product & Service Providers

Find tech companies ready to invest in services they need to scale.

Venture Capital & Private Equity

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$179 /year

Full database access with no contact information. New companies added weekly.

  • Access 17k companies (and growing) with unlimited exports
  • Filter by geography, business model, industry, money raised and more
  • Score to find fast-growing companies
  • Likely to Outsource tag to understand if a company is looking for your services
  • Verified email addresses so you can contact people directly
  • Personalized 1:1 onboarding by a cold email expert
$379 /year

Full database access with verified contact info. New companies added weekly.

  • Access 17k companies (and growing) with unlimited exports
  • Filter by geography, business model, industry, money raised and more
  • Score to find fast-growing companies
  • Likely to Outsource tag to understand if a company is looking for your services
  • Verified email addresses so you can contact people directly
  • Personalized 1:1 onboarding by a cold email expert
$1,279 /year

All of Pro, plus we'll exclude your top three competitors as new Intel customers.

  • Access 17k companies (and growing) with unlimited exports
  • Filter by geography, business model, industry, money raised and more
  • Score to find fast-growing companies
  • Likely to Outsource tag to understand if a company is looking for your services
  • Verified email addresses so you can contact people directly
  • Personalized 1:1 onboarding by a cold email expert

Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to questions you may have.
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What is Seedtable Intel?

Seedtable Intel is a database of every single European startup that raised money in the past 3 years (with verified contact information).

Every week we track every single company that raised capital, and combine proprietary sourcing and a scoring algorithm to build the most precise and up-to-date database of European tech startups.

How does Seedtable Intel work?

Click the 'Subscribe' button and enter your email address to get started. As soon as you sign up, you'll instantly receive the full database of 17,000 companies, followed by a new set of 300-400 new companies each month thereafter via email. WYou can immediately start reaching out and closing deals today.

What data points are available?

Here's the data we collect, alongside an explanation:

  • Company name
  • URL
  • Company description
  • City
  • Country
  • # of employees
  • Seedtable Score – a quantitative + qualitative 1 to 100 score that reflects the momentum behind a company.
  • Likely to outsource – we label some companies as likely to outsource Design, Development, Cybersecurity, Digital Marketing, etc. We do this manually by combining raw data with human intuition.
  • Last Funding: Amount
  • Last Funding: Stage
  • Last Funding: Date
  • Total Funding
  • Investors
  • Business model (e.g. B2B, B2C, Marketplace)
  • Industries (e.g. AI, climate, fintech, agtech)
  • Company contact email (only in Pro)
  • Founder (i.e. CEO, CTO, etc. up to 4, only in Pro)
  • Founder contact emails (verified for all founders, only in Pro)
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
Who is the data for?

Our rich, in-depth data helps companies, service providers and funds make informed decisions and close deals with insights you can’t find anywhere else.

We help startups find their next customer, agencies and service providers find tech companies ready to invest in services, recruitment firms find scaling companies that need to hire and investors find their next deal.

Where do you get this data?

All data points in our lists, including emails, are publicly available. Our sources include company filings, major news outlets, social media, and other databases. We track every company in Europe raising capital, and use our scoring algorithm and manual reviews to add companies to the database. Every data point and email is verified.

I just need data for a specific country or industry. Can I get a discount?

We priced Intel to make it accessible to any business so there are no discounts if you only need a portion of the data.

Can I cancel any time?

Absolutely. We need to earn your trust as a customer.